The Ultimate Guide to

How to Select a Water Heater.

A lot of households use hot water on a daily basis. If you were to break down your energy bill, you will realize that heating and cooling needs account for at least 14 percent of the entire bill. However, the bill can be big when you are using a less efficient water heater. With a water heater that is more than a decade old, you can expect that the efficiency will be reduced by almost half. Even so, it will not be good news for the utility bill. This is a problem you can easily solve through the replacement of your water heater. In matters to do with purchasing a water heater, it is good to know the things to consider in order to end up with the best pick. You should investigate your family habits in matters to do with hot water usage in order to make the right choice. With such a knowledge, you will not go wrong in matters to do with deciding what the FHR for your water heater should be. Also, you should consider the main fuel you will be using to heat the water. Check the electricity rates to estimate the amount of energy bill you will be footing. In such a case, you will know beforehand whether it will be an affordable choice for you or not. There are also water heaters which work with gas or oil. These options are much cheaper than electricity.

In case you live in areas with a moderate climate, a heat pump water heater will be a great buy. This will mean spending slightly higher than you would on the conventional water heaters during the initial purchase but the energy bill will be half of what you would normally pay. It is up to you to decide what works for you. If you buy a gas water heater or oil-fired water heater, it is essential for you to make sure the combustion chamber has a proper sealing mechanism. This ensures there is no back-drafting of the fuel to your home. You will be confident about your safety when using the unit in such a case. You cannot forget the energy factor in this case too. It is highly recommended that you choose a gas water heater Ann arbor that has been rated highly as far as the energy factor is concerned. The EF will vary from one brand to the other though. you should check the EF alongside the fuel the water heater uses. Electric water heaters cost more to operate even when the EF is higher compared to their counterparts even if they have a lower EF rating. It is important that you do not take things at face value if you want to make the right choice as far as water heater are concerned.

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